⭐️ Let’s Light Up Naomh Bríd⭐️
Work has commenced on erecting our walking track lights. We thank all the volunteers that are working hard to help reduce the costs. We secured a community grant and also a generous donation from Donegal Credit Union which has contributed to over half of the overall cost but we need to push this project over the line, therefore we are proud to launch our fundraiser ‘Sponsor a Light’ to light up Naomh Bríd.
We’d like to give you the opportunity to remember a loved one while helping us light up our walking track. Our walking track will allow all in our community to migrate from public roads to a safer environment . Your remembrance light is a lasting way to remember a loved one and have their light shine upon you
For a €50 euro donation you will be sponsoring a light and we will remember a loved one in a special way at our club. Please REFERENCE your loved ones name when sending your donation (Terms available on REQUEST)
PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/naomhbridsenior?country.x=HU&locale.x=en_US
Revolut: https://revolut.me/annemajpjv
Please support our efforts by sharing with your friends and family.