Welcoming our Ukrainian friends to Bunratty Cratloe FC / Vitayemo nashykh ukrayinsʹkykh druziv u FK Bunratty Cratloe

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What a great addition our new members have been over the past week to a number of our age groups. Welcome to all of our Ukrainian friends who have joined us recently for training and we are delighted to meet you all.

Special thank you to Labcon Building & Civil Engineering Ltd who sponsored the new shinguards & socks, to Gleeson's Sports Store in Limerick who also provided a discount to us, and to all the parents and coaches who have helped with transport and organisation.

Looking forward to getting to know you all on and off the pitch !

Yakym chudovym dopovnennyam staly nashi novi uchasnyky za ostanniy tyzhdenʹ u ryadi nashykh vikovykh hrup. Laskavo prosymo do vsikh nashykh ukrayinsʹkykh druziv, yaki neshchodavno pryyednalysya do nas na treninh, i my radi zustrichi z vamy.

Osoblyva podyaka kompaniyi Labcon Building & Civil Engineering Ltd, yaka sponsoruvala novi shchytky ta shkarpetky, sportyvnomu mahazynu Gleeson's v Limeryku, yakyy takozh nadav nam znyzhku, a takozh usim batʹkam i treneram, yaki dopomohly z transportom ta orhanizatsiyeyu.

Z neterpinnyam chekayemo znayomstva z vamy na poli ta poza nym!

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