Weekly Club Notes

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It’s the bingo that keeps on giving. Congratulations to the all the winners on Monday night as we shared out over €5000 in prizes. One of our lucky players scooped a €1000 mini jackpot. The main jackpot wasn’t won so it now stands at €12200 and there are €1000 mini jackpots on the other pages.

…. Don’t forget to shout when you ‘check’….. its worth another tenner!!! Why not try our new bingo subscription option when buying your book. You will now never be without a book each week as it can be purchased automatically, either double or single, once you select your subscription option at www.seansbingo.com . Make sure you get in early and get your books. You can also watch our bingo on Facebook. If you have any queries, please message us on Facebook, Instagram etc, and we will assist in every way possible. Always remember, in playing bingo at home everybody stays safe.

Intermediate Championship

It was such a bitter sweet weekend for our band of Senior Players and their management. They had high hopes, as they took on Corduff, in the Championship quarter final on Saturday. I’m sure you will read the blow by blow account of the encounter elsewhere, however the upshot was that we were defeated by two points in a game that was played with such incredible intensity and urgency that the result belies the effort we expended on the opposition. Moral victories count for nothing in this world but, as a Club, we know we gave it our all. This defeat, unfortunately has brought the curtain down on much more than our season. It is, with much regret but with huge thanks and gratitude, that we confirm that our current management team will now be stepping aside for 2023. Their involvement with this group of players has been second to none and they have created an environment where younger individuals were given their opportunity to shine amongst the more hardy annuals, who, would steer and guide them through their games. To Gary, Mickey, Niall, Gerard, and Conor we, as a club, sincerely thank one and all, for their commitment and dedication to the cause in the last three years. In a rollercoaster period for the club, we claimed the holy grail of the Junior Championship, a first in thirty years and nearly conquered Ulster for more honours but for some official faux pas. The positive atmosphere that good management brings to a club can neither be quantified or valued until you have to replace it, and this will not be an easy task. We wish the lads well in their future endeavours and I’m sure their interest in the club will not wane and, may keep the door open for a return…... Sometime in the future. Thank you.

A word from the players

The Club has been asked by the Captain and Players to acknowledge the support and encouragement that they have had from our loyal Club members, and supporters during the season. A club without a faithful following have nothing, and Paraic and the lads would like to compliment and thank our enthusiastic followers for their contribution all year.


On Sunday evening, we once again added another page to our Juvenile Winners Roll of Honour records, with victory over Truagh in the Div.2 Championship Final. Having suffered a hugely sole destroying defeat to the Gaels in the league, Sunday was the day when those wrongs would be put right. From the throw in the hunger and desire to be first to the ball, to dispossess the opposition and to protect each other as a team was simply sublime. All their hard work and patience finally came to fruition as they produced some incredible passages of play from one end of the pitch to the other. Having taken an early lead, little did we know that they would never let the advantage slip. A half time score of 1-6 to 1-3 was setting us up for an intriguing second period. Being forced to introduce subs at the start of the second half , may have given some uncertainty as to how the result could be closed out. However we needn’t have worried, as what was on bench was every bit as good as what was on the field and they certainly didn’t flinch has the headed into battle. Once again, the confidence was high and the yearning to win, produced some heroics from some unbelievable leaders on the pitch. Scores flowed for the Seans as the well oiled machine began to close in on the prize. Their ability to position players, make the runs, and take the passes was inspiring. As the final whistle sounded the deafening sound of cheers and shouting from the crowd was heart warming. A well deserved win, 2-14 to 1-6, from a well executed gameplan. Ben Forde, merely received the cup from Gareth Coyle, Monaghan County GAA, on behalf of his teammates, and the management as this was a complete effort from everyone involved. To a man , they stood tall, maybe some taller than others, but everybody’s importance on the team was of a value incalculable. Thanks to the Management , Sean, Luke, Adam and Noel for their commitment and belief in their squad. A huge thanks to the crowds of senior men and ladies players, club members, neutrals and families that attended the game. Games like these dont come around very often for the smaller clubs so I think we will savour it, for another day of two. Seans Abu.


These young guns accepted the very kind invitation, from Emyvale GAA, to take part in the BC Colton, Memorial Blitz on Saturday last. In what was a superbly well organised event, our young stars battled their way through the games until they eventually took their place in the shield final. Their exuberance and energy was too much for Aughnamullen in the final game and the shield prize belonged to the Seans. Congratulations to the lads and management on flying the flag in the tournament and taking a prize home is always so much sweeter.


There will be an Open Night on Thursday night at 8pm in the complex. The Club are anxious to recruit male / female , novice or expert players. Anybody interested, please call in on Thursday evening and you will given the best of coaching, encouragement and advice in taking up the sport.

Seans Totto Results

Totto, has been a regular feature for the club for years, and we would like everybody to be a part of it. Please watch our social media for upcoming Totto news.

Why not play our totto at www.seanmcdermotts.net, via our club app and at McEntees or Lynchs shops in the village.

This weeks jackpot was €7600, and we had no correct predictions of the number sequence. The numbers 5,2,4,6,8,3,7,1, lucky dip winners were: Malcolm Treanor, Pete Keenan, Michael & Maire McElvaney, Noel Rice, Eva McNelis

Next weeks jackpot will be €7700


The Club would like to extend sincere sympathy to the family of Seamus McCormick, Bannaghroe, Strannoden, on his recent passing.

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Bingo at The Seans  Well done to our winners on ...

SEANS BINGO Results 22nd July 2024

Congratulation to all our winners.  We paid out €...

Totto Draw Mon 22nd July 2024

To play Seans Totto CLICK HERE.   Totto Jack...

Weekly Club Notes

Bingo at The Seans  Well done to our winners on ...

SEANS BINGO Results 15th July 2024

Congratulation to all our winners.  We paid out €...

Totto Draw Mon 15th July 2024

To play Seans Totto CLICK HERE.   Totto Jack...