safeTalk - Suicide Alertness for Everyone

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The role of the HSE's National Office for Suicide Prevention (NOSP) is to effectively support, inform, monitor and co-ordinate the implementation of Connecting for Life, Ireland’s National Strategy to Reduce Suicide, 2015-2020.

The NOSP coordinates and funds safeTALK and ASIST training at a national level and these programmes are free for all individuals to attend. ASIST is one of a number of suicide prevention training programmes available through the HSE and training is coordinated at a local level through HSE Resource Officers for Suicide Prevention and partner agencies.

What is safeTALK?

safeTALK is an internationally recognised half-day training programme that prepares participants to recognise and engage with people who may be having thoughts of suicide and to connect them to suicide first aid resources. Most people with thoughts of suicide don’t truly want to die, but are struggling with the pain in their lives. Through their words and actions, they invite help to stay alive.

safeTALK-trained helpers can recognise these invitations for help and take action by supporting people to connect with life-saving resources, supports and services.

Who is this training for?

Everyone - first responders, community workers, clergy, volunteers, teachers and people responding to family and friends.

What happens at safeTALK training?

safeTALK is a powerful experience. You can expect to feel challenged, empowered and hopeful. Your safeTALK trainer will support you to:

• Understand the importance of suicide alertness and help you to identify people who have thoughts of suicide

• Learn clear and practical information on what to do if you need to support someone who is at risk of suicide

• Learn and practice the TALK (Tell, Ask, Listen, and Keep safe) steps to connect a person with suicidal thoughts to suicide first aid help and further community resources

• Have increased knowledge of resources in your local community.

You can expect to leave safeTALK with practical knowledge of how to identify someone at risk and link them to life-saving resources.

How does safeTALK help prevent suicide?

safeTALK suicide alert helpers are trained to:

• Move beyond common tendencies to miss, dismiss or avoid signs of suicide risk

• Identify people who have thoughts of suicide

• Apply the TALK (Tell, Ask, Listen and Keep safe) steps to connect a person with suicidal thoughts to people and agencies that can help.

Who should attend safeTALK training?

This training is suitable for everyone who wants to help prevent suicide and is prepared to become suicide alert.

How is safeTALK different from other workshops?

safeTALK helps participants to identify people who are at risk, confidently ask them about the topic of suicide and connect them with resources that can help them stay safe. It is a level 2 alertness skills programme and not as advanced as the two-day intervention skills workshop, ASIST.

Steps in suicide prevention training:

Step 1: General Awareness

Step 2: Alertness Skills

Step 3: Intervention Skills

Step 4: Assessment and Management Skills

For information on training programmes that are available or coming up in your area, visit

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